Saskatoon Community of Mindful Living is a group practicing in
tradition of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh.
are a supportive group that aims to nurture each
others practice to further awaken our awareness of the miracle
of this life.
To be informed about
special events you can join our
using this form or send an email to asking to join
the list.
Do you have any Days of Mindfulness planned?
No dates are set yet, but we will hold several in 2025.
Do you have any retreats planned?
Yes, we will hold a residential retreat September 26-29, 2025 led by Michael Ciborski.
Have you held retreats
Yes, we held our first retreat in 2007
and have been holding one or two a year
since then.
This is a
complete list of our previous
Do you have any teachings online?
Yes, we have a Youtube channel with dharma talks that we think are worth sharing:
The Saskatoon Community of Mindful Living on Youtube
When Do You Meet?
Monday nights at 7 pm CST in person and by Zoom.
Feel free to join us by either means: at the Unitarian Church, 213 2nd Street East or online -
send an email to for the zoom link. If you would like to attend but
are uncomfortable sharing the space with others who are unmasked, please let the facilitator
know and we will all wear masks. Otherwise, we follow the policy of our Unitarian hosts and
masking is optional.
Do you do in a meeting? A
usual Monday evening consists of a number of practices
30 minutes of silent meditation
a reading or a taped dharma talk
dharma discussion, a sharing of our experience
Our evening usually ends at about 8:30.
How long have you been meeting?
We have been meeting since 2004 when
monastics from Deer Park led a retreat
here. For more information,
read this history of our group.
Everyone is welcome to join
If I'm New To This?
welcome to join us for a Monday night, and if
you have questions or need
instruction, just ask.
How do you
pay for things? We have modest
expenses mostly related to rental of our
meditation space and the cost of a Zoom
subscription. These costs are covered by the
giving (dana) of our members.
If you would like
to support our sangha, you may etransfer
to our treasurer at
For more information on Mindfulness and the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh see