The Saskatoon community of Mindful living is proud to have held a number of retreats. From most recent to the very first, these include:
Awakening Peace
a retreat held at Queens House and led by our teacher Michael Ciborski
Cultivating Freedom, Stability, and Fulfillment
a retreat held at Queens House and led by our teacher Michael Ciborski
Equanimity: Space to Hold All Life's Joys and Suffering
an online retreat led by our teacher Michael Ciborski
Relationship Matters
a retreat cancelled by the covid-19 pandemic.
Letting Go of Fear
a retreat held at Queen's House of Retreats, led by
our teacher Michael Ciborski
Open Heart, Forgiving Heart
a retreat held at Ancient Spirals, May 30 - June 2, 2019,
led by our teacher Rowan Conrad
Staying Happy while Practicing Compassion
a retreat held at Queen's House, March 23-25, 2018,
led by our teacher Michael Ciborski
Open Heart, Open Mind: Engaging Difficult Times
with Compassion for All
a retreat held at Ancient Spirals,
May 18th to 21st, 2017, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
Engaging Ourselves and Our World with Compassion
a retreat held at Queen's House, September 23rd to 25th,
2016, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad filling in for
Cheri Maples who was unfortunately not able to attend
due to an accident.
Awakening the Heart with Gratitude and Generosity
a retreat held at Ancient Spirals,
May 19th to 22nd, 2016, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
When Will I Be Enough?
a retreat held at Ancient Spirals,
June 4th to 7th, 2015, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
Resting in Impermanence
a retreat held at Ancient Spirals,
May 22nd to 25th, 2014, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
Renewing Our Lives, Deepening Our Practice
a retreat held at Queens House Retreat and Renewal Centre,
January 24th to 26th, 2014, led by our teacher Cheri Maples.
Confidence in Ourselves, Our Practice, and Our Path,
a residential retreat held at Ancient Spirals,
May 30th to June 2nd, 2013, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
Awakening Self-Awareness,
a non-residential retreat held at Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre,
January 4th to 6th, 2013, led by our teacher Cheri Maples.
Celebrating Connection,
a residential retreat held at Ancient Spirals,
May 10th to 13th, 2012, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
The Middle of the Path,
a residential retreat held at Shekinah Retreat Centre
June 9th to 12th, 2011, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
Resiliency in Challenging Times,
a non-residential retreat held at Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre,
October 22nd to 24th, 2010, led by our teacher Cheri Maples.
Untangling Our Minds,
a non-residential retreat held at Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre,
January 29th to 31st, 2010, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
Cultivating an Abundant Heart,
a non-residential retreat held at Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre,
January 30th to February 1st, 2009, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
For a Future to Be Possible,
a non-residential retreat held at Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre,
February 8th to 10th, 2008, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.
Living Mindfully, Living Joyfully,
a non-residential retreat held at Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre,
January 26th to 28th, 2007, led by our teacher Rowan Conrad.